Come modificare da remoto il nome di un computer appartenente ad un dominio


Se avete la necessità di modificare da remoteo il nome di un computer appartenente ad un dominio, allora viene a vostro aiuto il comando NETDOM.

Ad esempio con il seguente comando si modifica il nome da OLD-NAME a NEW-NAME

netdom renamecomputer OLD-NAME /newname:NEW-NAME /ud:NOMEDOMINIO\Administrator /pd:PasswordAmministratore

Sintassi :

       NETDOM RENAMECOMPUTER machine_name /NewName:new_name
         [/UserD:user] [/PasswordD:[password | *]]
            [/UserO:user] [/PasswordO:[password | *]]
               [/REBoot[:Time_in_seconds]] [/Force]


   machine     The name of the computer to be renamed

   new_name    The new name for the computer.
               Both the DNS host label and the NetBIOS name are
               changed to new_name.
               If new_name is longer than 15 characters, the NetBIOS name is
               derived from the first 15 characters

   /UserD      User account used to make the connection with the Domain.
               The domain can be specified as "/ud:domain\user".
               If domain is omitted, the computer's domain will be used.

   /PasswordD  Password of the user account specified By /UserD.
               Specifying a * will prompt for the password.

   /UserO      User account used to make the connection with the Machine to be
               renamed. By default the currently logged on user's account.
               The domain can be specified as "/uo:domain\user".
               If domain is omitted, a local computer account is assumed.

   /PasswordO  Password of the user account specified By /UserO.
               Specifying a * will prompt for the password.

   /Force      Do not prompt for confirmation.

   /REBoot     Shutdown and automatically reboot the machine after the rename
               has completed.  The number of seconds before automatic shutdown
               can also be provided.  Default = 30 seconds

               Use secure credentials popup to specify credentials. This
               option should be used when smartcard credentials need to be
               specified. This option is only in effect when the password 
               value is supplied as *

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